Now Came the Hour of Death of the Winkle Gloomily Loitering in the Pyjamas

[…] The everyday life and routine of hospital life is the subject of the action Now Came the Hour of Death of the Winkle Gloomily Loitering in the Pyjamas by the Młode Suki collective (Iga Świeściak, Grażyna Monika Olszewska and Jan Baszak), whose work was performed at the times of serving meals in hospital, which marks the patients’ rhythm of the day. The artists intertwine various elements of hospital reality – boredom and inaction interrupted by walks through the corridors and sounds of popular entertainment shows coming out of TV sets, waiting for the next series of carnal ministrations, the smell of burnt milk soup and the nurse fetish. Młode Suki liken the experience of a Polish hospital to a carnival, recognising the annulment of social hierarchy and class privileges as their shared features. […]

Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz: Concealed. In: Art Reviev SURVIVAL 17. Catalogue, Wrocław 2019, p. 82-83.

photo: Małgorzata Kujda

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