Our country is falling apart. Torn by internal conflicts and attacked from the outside, for many it has become more of an object of shame than pride. We are looking for solace in history and sport successes, or we pretend that it does not affect us. It cannot go on. To remedy this, the LUXUS group decided to build a symbolic object in the shape of Poland. It will be built from reinforced concrete, polystyrene, mashed bottles and many other materials. We hope that it will be durable and sturdy, arouse admiration and respect of visitors to the exhibition – we called this action LUXUS BUILDS POLAND.
Then, as part of the action called LUXUS RAISES POLAND, we will make a heroic attempt to lift the object with a mini-crane in front of the eyes of the audience gathered in the factory. This two-part performance shall not only return Poland to its due place, but also show that art can and should serve its own country.


photo: Małgorzata Kujda

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