Raised Hide from the ‘Back from Hunting’ series
Three almost identical objects of three different authors. This purposeful accumulation was a sort of playful commentary on struggling for originality, which is so typical for the world of contemporary art. Two of the raised hides, Piotr Macha’s realisation under the title Sobriety and Obedience (Monument for the Human Being) and Tomasz Koszewnik’s Raised Hide, were entered for SURVIVAL independently from one another. The third one, made by the curator of the Review Michał Bieniek several months earlier for the Back from Hunting exhibition in the Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery in Wrocław, was added to the other two to complement the situation, which could by no means be described as plagiarism – since in this case, like in many others, the multiplication stemmed from the context of the surroundings and common associations.
photo: Justyna Fedec (1), Łukasz Paluch (2)