
1st DAY / 21.06.2013 [FRIDAY]
4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Field recording workshop – sound map of the Oder in Wrocław. Olga Kaniewska, Andrzej Koper. venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, pl. Polski 3/4
7 p.m.
Vernissage of the 11th edition of the SURVIVAL Art. Review.
venue: Bulwar Xawerego Dunikowskiego, Kafe Szalet, Festival Club
9:30 p.m.
The Marked Place. Live act – live act – ‘live’ music and film. Wojciech Pukocz (video), Michał Sikorski, Kasper Minciel (music).
venue: hill near pl. Polski
2nd DAY / 22.06.2013 [SATURDAY]
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Field recording workshop – sound map of the Oder in Wrocław. Olga Kaniewska, Andrzej Koper.
venue: Hala Targowa Marina
12 p.m.
Curators’ tour of the exhibition.
start: Festival Club
12 p.m.
Cruise on the Oder with Prof. Adam Grobler, who will share unique philosophical and culture-related tales about the river.
moderator: Bartek Lis.
venue: Przystań Piaskowa
3 p.m. — 4 p.m.
Presentation of photographs of the Oder by Mikołaj Nowacki with the author’s commentary.
moderator: Bartek Lis.
venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, pl. Polski 3/4
4:30 p.m. — 5:30 p.m.
Alejandro Capdevilla – a Catalan architect living on a boathouse – talks about the most interesting architectural project on the water.
Lecture translated into Polish.
venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, pl. Polski 3/4
5 p.m.
Curators’ tour of the exhibition.
start: Festival Club
5 p.m. — 7 p.m., 8 p.m. — 10 p.m.
Actions in the city soundscape – sound projections from a boat. Marek Brandt, Paweł Kowzan + Konrad Gmurek, Paweł Kulczyński, Wojciech Kucharczyk, Gaap Kvlt, Gerard Lebik.
route: Bulwar Xawerego Dunikowskiego – Most Pokoju – Most Grunwaldzki – Wybrzeże Stanisława Wyspiańskiego – ZOO
6 p.m. — 7:30 p.m.
Discussion about the city and the river, and how to use their cultural and social potential for mutual benefit.
participants: Maja Zabokrzycka, Przemysław Filar i Bogna Świątkowska.
moderator: Wojciech Kębłowski.
venue: Infopunkt Nadodrze, Łokietka 5
3th DAY / 23.06.2013 [SUNDAY]
11 a.m. — 12:30 p.m.
The 1997 Flood – Unique Combination of Carnival and Labour Camp. How did the Great Flood influence the inhabitants of Wrocław?
participants: Jacek Pluta (socjolog, dr / PhD, a sociologist), Henryk Macała (representative of the Kozanów housing estate), Jerzego Sznercha (representative of the Nadodrze housing estate), Maria Wiernikowska (a journalist).
moderator: Katarzyna Kajdanek (PhD).
venue: barge in the Gondola Bay
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Warsztaty realizacji nagrań terenowych – mapa dźwiękowa wrocławskiej Odry / Field recording workshop – sound map of the Oder in Wrocław. Olga Kaniewska, Andrzej Koper.
venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, pl. Polski 3/4
12:00 / 12 p.m.
Curators’ tour of the exhibition.
start: Festival Club
1 p.m. — 2:30 p.m.
Flows, Trans-fussions, Erosions. On Boundaries and the (Im)possibility of Transgressing Them. Discussion on Transborder Identity.
participants: Beata Halicka (dr hab. / PhD), Mirosława Zielińska (dr / PhD).
moderator: Marek Pawlak (dr / PhD).
Discussion translated into English.
venue: barka w Zatoce Gondoli / barge in the Gondola Bay
3 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Discussion on the motif of the river in art and art installations situated in / on the water.
participants: Cecylia Malik, Christian Gracz, Aleksandra Jach.
moderator: Magdalena Worłowska.
Discussion translated into English.
venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, pl. Polski 3/4
17:00 / 5 p.m.
Curators’ tour of the exhibition.
start: Festival Club
5 p.m. — 7 p.m.
Screening of Raquel Castro’s film Soundwalkers. Discussion about the soundscpe of Wrocław.
participants: Robert Losiak, Tomasz Sielicki, Aleksandra Wasilkowska.
Discussion translated into English.
moderator: Krzysztof Marciniak.
venue: Academy of Fine Arts and Design, pl. Polski 3/4
4th DAY / 25.06.2012 [TUESDAY]
6 p.m.
Presentation of Michał Smandek’s installation Nothing More, Nothing Less.
venue: ‘Czarny Potok’ pond in Zacisze
5th DAY / 26.06.2013 [WEDNESDAY]
6 p.m.
Vernissage of Luis Plácido Costa and Andreia Santana’s exhibition No Water on the Other Edge.
venue: Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery, Ofiar Oświęcimskich 1/2.
exhibition open: 26.06 – 5.07, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
7 p.m.
Look! The Grammar of Visibility in Curators’ Strategies. Katarzyna K. Górska’s lecture as part of the DYSK Gepperta series.
venue: Mieszkanie Gepperta gallery, Ofiar Oświęcimskich 1/2
6th DAY / 30.06.2013 [SUNDAY]
8:00 p.m.
Closing of the 11th edition of the SURVIVAL Art Review.
Styx – Jakub Słomkowski and Loico Bertrand’s performance.
venue: Morskie Oko bathing beach