sound artforum

curator: Daniel Brożek
artists: Beniamin Głuszek / Aleksandra Trojanowska, Beniovska / Paweł Kreis, Michał Michałczak / Bouke Groen [NL] / Pierre Jodlowski / Agata Kneć
works presented:
Beniamin Głuszek
Sleep Strings – Music for Solo EEG
2019, sound installation
Aleksandra Trojanowska, Beniovska
I See You
2019, interactive bioaudiovisual installation
Sound Art Forum
Paweł Kreis, Michał Michałczak
Bez tytułu / Untitled
2019, sound installation
Bouke Groen [NL]
Wydźwięki / Overtone
2019, performance, 20´00˝
in collaboration with the Chamber Choir of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Pierre Jodlowski
San Clemente
2019, video installation, 15´00˝
Agata Kneć
2019, sound installation