KONTENT No. 8 ‘City – Inflammatory State’

Kontent is an irregularly published magazine on comics and graphic art, which is distributed in Warsaw and Wrocław in ‘viral’ actions. Its small format and artistically attractive contents allow for it to ‘spread’ quickly within the cities. The eighth issue of the magazine was prepared especially for SURVIVAL 12. The invited contributors followed the ‘City – Inflammatory State’ motto using drawing and collage. Comics that took up the issue of urban protests, urban lifestyle and the aesthetics of Wrocław’s architecture corresponded with short pieces of poetry that vividly described various pathologies in the city.
The booklet containing graphic works was distributed in the proximity of the Faculty of Pharmacy building during the Review. The publication was accompanied by posters pasted on the facade of the building, with an empty space left on them so that anyone could voice their opinion, make a drawing and leave a trace.
> Anna Stec
photo: Peter Kreibich