Attack on Polish Electric Type 4 “Luxtorpeda 2”

Artists Wiktoria Kucharczak
Genre Object
Edition SURVIVAL 22

The year is 2040 and diesel vehicles on the roads are nothing more than fuel-efficient relicsof past decades. The meteorological lobbyhas succeeded in completely doctoring all theweather charts. People no longer use central orgas heating. Those who have somehow managedto camouflage their furnaces use photovoltaiccells instead of coal. There are repeatedattacks on trains carrying gas pipes, nuclearreactor components, wind farm parts, silicon,selenium and germanium. Here and there thecult of fire is being revived, its adherents rejectingany thought of alternative solutions. Theirsis a flame to the glory of St Florian. The cultistskeep the toxic flame alive in the chimney nearthe station. There are fewer and fewer trainspassing through Brochów. The last ones arecaked with an unidentifiable crust from theirdangerous crossings and ambushes. The lastbrave railwaymen and women wade through themud amid the reek of the rolling stock brakesand derailed wagons.

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