Is the New World Even Possible?

Artists Øleg&Kaśka
Genre Installation
Edition Survival 17

[…] Yet another possible future is designed by the Oleg&Kaśka duo, whose extensive installation takes the viewer on a peculiar journey through individual “ecosystems.” Starting from the traces and reminiscences of past civilisations, which raise the question of what will remain after our civilisation, to a moment of transition hinting at Kafka’s Metamorphosis, to possible escape scenarios, Oleg&Kaśka construct an original visual essay on surviving and coming to terms with reality. Oscillating between a vision of the future as a depopulated world inhabited by happy crisp- -eating cockroaches and compulsory affirmation of and participation in technocratic capitalism, from which the only escape is madness and abandonment of reality, their work Is the New World Even Possible? seems to suggest a negative answer to the eponymous question. Finishing the story told by the works on this floor in this way corresponds with a sense of a crisis of values that permeates the exhibition, at both individual and social level. […]

Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz: Concealed. In: Art Reviev SURVIVAL 17. Catalogue, Wrocław 2019, p. 76-78.

photo: Małgorzata Kujda

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