Domesticated Space

Tomasz Pobiedziński in his artistic practice applies techniques and strategies borrowed from street art. He works at the intersection of classical painting and street art. Domesticated Space refers to the concept of non-places, which describes spaces that contradict the homely, familiar places (e.g. home). They include spaces that are secluded, heightening the sense of loneliness and anonymity (railway stations, hotels, halls, shopping centres, etc.), but, in my opinion, also the ones that heighten the aura of the past, evoke a perceptible atmosphere of people and history which occurred in the space. I believe that there is an indissoluble bond between us and the spaces in which we spend our everyday lives. We create them, but they affect us. Depending on the function fulfilled by a given place, we domesticate them differently – says the artist.
Using his artistic skills, Pobiedziński examines non-places, looks at the details, analyses spontaneously formed structures (rubble, rubbish, architectural elements and infrastructure). Inspired by the existing order, he domesticates non-places through painting interventions.
photo: Olga Jasnowska